Ultra-processed food intake relationship versus quality of life in university population



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Johao Sebastian Jimenez Ospina, Luis Alfredo Jimenez Rodriguez, & Ramiro Gamboa Suarez. (2023). Ultra-processed food intake relationship versus quality of life in university population. Formación Estratégica, 3(02), 152–168. Recuperado a partir de https://www.formacionestrategica.com/index.php/foes/article/view/108


Objective: To evaluate the impact of ultra-processed foods and their prevalence on the public health of university students from the Fundación de Estudios Superior Comfanorte (FESC) where the consumption of (junk) food and its consequences have become an important health problem. global public health due to its deteriorating health consequences and increasing prevalence. Although its adverse health consequences are very common in all age groups, children and adolescents are at greater risk. It can lead to obesity and act as a risk factor for different noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Method: It was located in a quantitative methodology with a cross-sectional descriptive multicenter study approach, as it was the characterization of the population of 480 students-teachers and administrators at a specific moment in time. Results: In multivariable analysis, the highest consumption of ultra-processed foods was associated with a 37% high probability of total overweight/obesity, due to health awareness, without ignoring the absence in its promotion and maintenance in health with its EPS, and his sedentary lifestyle. Conclusions: Within the evaluated population, the university students of the FESC, who visit and give little importance to the issue of their health since they do not take as a priority a nutritional control with a nutrition specialist and that being overweight in students is something very forceful and notorious since being such young people full of great health and good physical strength they even have heart problems due to having bad eating habits.



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